Parts of the Hemp Plant Used:
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The oils from the seeds and flowers of the hemp plant are now being made into a hemp toothpaste. This is an excellent treatment for sensitive teeth. If you want to achieve great oral health using natural products, hemp toothpaste is a wonderful choice!
How it’s Made:
Remineralizing CBD toothpaste (remineralize plus whitening), this recipe uses cannabis oil and fat-soluble vitamins including A, E, D, and K2 to slowly re-mineralize the teeth. (1)
There are variants of CBD toothpaste that contain other ingredients, such as activated charcoal to whiten teeth, xylitol to help prevent tooth decay and dry mouth, and coconut oil to fight bacteria and freshen breath.(2)
Hemp toothpastes have more organic content compared to average toothpaste leading to high price and cost because of the benefits you will be getting along with it.(3)
Research about hemp along the years tells us that hemp has some serious antibacterial and antimicrobial properties because of these research several companies bring in hemp to oral healthcare.(4)
Looking to the Future:
The toothpaste market is enormous. Over $26 billion dollars in 2018 to be exact, and the toothpaste market is expected to increase in value to nearly $37 billion by 2024. Revolutions in toothpaste technology are not exactly common, however, new research could eventually prove to be a gamechanger for the toothpaste industry.(5)