Parts of the Hemp Plant Used:
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Hemp fiber is known to be the most durable natural fiber in the world and has more than 50 thousand uses, and one of them is making hemp into purses.
How it’s Made:
Hemp purses are handmade from the hemp plant’s strong and renewable fibers.(1)
Hemp purses are chemical-free, eco-friendly and made from organic materials.(2)
Due to controlled production of hemp, the demand is less compared to other commodity crops.(3)
Hemp is the earliest plant cultivated for fiber. Hemp being the oldest example of human industry primarily started in ancient China.(4)
Looking to the Future:
Hemp market has the potential for significant growth since consumer demand for organic and natural sustainable products are increasing. It is said to double up in market being a diverse crop and its contribution. Further research is needed to improve harvest and to continue long term sustainable production and economic vitality.(5)